Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“Day 13 (Numbers 13)”

Categories: 40 Days in the Wilderness

Today the spies are sent into the land! What an exciting time for Israel this must have been. Finally they're there. Finally they will enter into this land of milk and honey. Surely they must have wondered what it’s like. They must have all said, "I can’t wait to see if for myself." They might not have had any of these thoughts, but I’m sure their anticipation was great, that is until the spies return with a different story. The land certainly lived up to it’s description (v. 27), however the land was filled with strong armies. In fact there were giants in the land who made the men feel like grasshoppers (v. 33). Remember Goliath – mighty warrior standing over 9 feet tall? Imagine many Goliaths. Standing in the way of Israel and their promised land were an army of giants.

The 10 spies report was correct – they were like grasshoppers in the sight of the giants, and that on their own they could not overcome the strength of their enemies (v. 31). But what about God? Had they forgotten Egypt and the 10 plagues? Had they forgotten the Red Sea? What about when they won the battle against Amalek? Yes, on their own this would seem like a lost cause, but what about the pillar of cloud and fire that led them here?

Do you see the question worth considering today? Where’s the source of your strength? In whom do you place your faith/trust? Is it in yourself? Your job? Your family? If so you’ll likely feel afraid when you face your giants. But remember that yes, on my own I’m weak, but it is in my weakness I recognize my need and my source of strength and that’s God! The older you get the more you’re reminded of the frailty in humanity (2 Cor. 4:16), but my frailty reminds me of who brings the victory, and that is My God (2 Cor. 12:9-10).

Powerful, almighty God – You are great, so strong and so mighty, there is nothing You cannot do. I know this to be true because You have shown it to be true. From Your mighty works of old, to Your daily care, even the wonders of creation continue to remind me of Your greatness. I trust in You. Though I am weak, I know You are strong. I can face the storms of life, and conquer the giants of doubt through You, my Rock, my Strength, my Shield. The battle and the victory belong to You!