Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“Day 36 (Numbers 36)”

Categories: 40 Days in the Wilderness

God Is Faithful

As each tribe is given their land, that land was not to leave their tribe. God intended for it to remain in the family to which it was originally given (Numbers 36).
So what happened when a daughter married?  Once again, God left nothing to chance. She could only marry within the family. Therefore, no inheritance would be transferred to any other tribe. 
The nation is poised to enter the land of Canaan. God had brought this new generation safely through the land He had promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  The task ahead was for them to conquer the land and continue to thrive in the land. God was faithful to His promise.
The lesson we learn is no matter how long it takes, God is always faithful to His promises. It may seem to us that God takes forever. But, in His time all things He has planned and purposed for His children will receive what He has promised. There is great confidence for us knowing God is faithful.
God has given us a picture of what He wanted Israel to be (Numbers 26-36). He wanted a God-centered people. Unfortunately, Israel failed to live up to that expectation. Today, God holds before us serious standards from the New Testament. He has high expectations is for His children. He wants us collectively and individually to live God- centered lives.