


Heartbreak is so difficult. It is so debilitating. Heartbreak leaves a person with little hope or resolution.
I have always wondered how Paul felt when he was abandoned by all (2Tim. 4:16). On the page, it reads rather bland and emotionless. Did he think to himself, “Hey, where is everybody? You mean after all I have done to help everyone, no one is here to stand with me?” His response is “Only the Lord stood with me.” When he plays the fool for the Corinthians, he asks them, “After all I have done here with you and you treat me this way? You choose these charlatans over me? I have been telling everyone how good you are, and I get this?” Both occasions stung him.
However, notice what he did not do. He did not hold a grudge. He did keep replaying it over and over. He did not embellish. He did not get angry. He did not quit or give up. He kept trusting in the Lord and worked with those who wanted to work with him. He will say, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20).
“I have been crucified with Christ.” Paul said I have already died to myself. How do you hurt a dead man?
“It is Christ that lives in me.” Christ is his very heartbeat. He was filled full of Christ. Christ was his DNA. When we have been crucified with Christ, no longer live to our flesh, and are filled with Christ, heartbreaks may still come, but they do not dissuade us. It is Christ that lives in us. We live on.
“The life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Crucified with Christ, we now live by faith in the Son of God. Why? He loved us and gave Himself for us. Is His love and our faith strong enough to overcome heartbreak? Is His love and our faith sufficient for any challenge we might face that would break us?
Heartbreaks will come, no doubt. But if we have died to Christ and Christ is our very heartbeat, then our faith in Him, because He loves us so immensely, will enable to us to overcome. We must not let Satan win our hearts. He has never loved us!

Rickie Jenkins