

Trust God

We must put our trust in God and His word. We put our trust in God because He is sovereign. We put our trust in His word because it is His word. He cannot lie (Tit. 1:2). He will never lead us astray.
We may be disappointed in others. We all put our trust in others. They may be friends, family, brethren, co-worker, etc. We put our trust in them. It is inescapable. Even those who say they don’t trust anyone, usually have someone in whom they put their trust. When that trust is violated in some way, it shakes us. It causes us to question everything and everyone. Not so with God. Because He is God and cannot lie, we can put implicit trust in Him.
The real truth is, if we do not trust God, we will not have anything to do with Him, much less listen to Him. We trust God because He is able to do what He says. We hear from our politicians, “If you elect me I will…”  We hear him and say, “He can’t do that. It is not even lawful for him to do.” There is a problem trusting a fellow who said he would do what he can’t do. But when Jesus says He can do something, He can do it. We may not trust a lot of people because they are unable to do what they want to do or try to do. But when we decide to follow Jesus, He is able to do.
John tells the story of Jesus’ life. John wrote that story so that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing we may have life in His name (John. 20:31). He tells about Jesus casting out demons, stilling waves in a storm, raising the dead, healing the sick, and giving sight to the blind. John writes about all these to convince us that He is able to deal with any question we might have. Whatever the problems or situation, He is able. It does not make any difference if we agree with Jesus or not, or if we do not believe, He is still able.

Remember when God called His people out of Egypt by Moses? In preparation for their coming out, crossing the Red Sea, heading toward the promise land God sent Moses to perform the ten plagues. The ten plagues introduced them to God, Who could do what they needed Him to do. God is greater than the goddess of the river Nile. He is greater than the protector gods of Egypt. He is greater than the sun gods. He is greater than Pharaoh. This was a contest to show them God stands greatest of all. He is able. That was necessary for them to  commit themselves and trust God as they walked out of that country, through the wilderness, and to the conflict against all the nations they would have to battle in order to occupy the land of Canaan.

If God is not able, we cannot trust Him. Here was a demonstration so strong we cannot miss it. Paul will say, “I know….”  (2Tim. 1:12). I know who it is in Whom I put my trust. I know He is able. The roots we have as Christians are not simply to a doctrine but to Somebody. God is able. Trust Him.

He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, about all we ask or think (Eph. 3:20). This is the basis of the kind of trust we have in Him. We have never seen the areas of the limits of God’s ability. Nothing we have ever asked. No challenge we have ever presented. Nothing has ever been close to His limit. Beyond anything we ever ask or think, God is able.

That is the foundation of our faith. Trust God because He is able.

Rickie Jenkins