

The Real Heroes

Preachers and elders receive a lot of praise. Often prayers are offered on their behalf. I assure you taht none of them are ever taken for granted! Both are also essential to the Lord’s work. However, I want to affirm that the real heroes of the faith are not the preachers and elders.  The real heroes of the faith are the men and women and young people who daily face the world of the adversary.

The alarm clock rings early; sleepily, they pull themselves out of bed. They shower, dress, and head off to work. At 6:00 or 7:00 that afternoon, they head home. They get home in time to sit down, hopefully to a warm supper. The day has been exhausting, yet the children and wife need attention, too. It may be the reverse. It could be the wife and mother who works outside the home.

At work, they faced the world and all its challenges. The challenge to fit in an ungodly environment. The challenge to dress to fit in. Yet, that is not what they do. They do not fit in and they do not try to fit in. They are not rude. But they are firm in their conviction regarding right and wrong, godliness and ungodliness. They do not dress like, talk like, or look like their worldly counterparts. Their attitude, behavior and character stand out as lights in the world of darkness. 

Also, consider the young person in high school or college. They face their peers with courage. They try to talk to them about God. They strive to live consistent with their faith. The challenges are real. They are powerful. But they are met with resolve.

Those are the real heroes. They live in the world and all its challenges to their faith every day. Yet, they set the example and let their light shine. They are salt of the earth. They do not give the adversary any opportunity to speak against the Lord. They come to Bible class, listen, and participate. They attend the assemblies and sing, pray, take the Lord’s Supper, and hear the word of God preached. As they exit, they tell the preacher how great his sermon is and treat him with deference, like he is the hero of the day.

No, the Christians who live faithfully to the Lord, facing all the adversary can throw at them daily and remains steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the world of the Lord, is the hero.

Thank God for heroes!

Rickie Jenkins