Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“Day 27 (Numbers 27)”

Categories: 40 Days in the Wilderness

Our reading today focuses on how two needs were met. First, it answers the question about whether or not a daughter could inherit her father's property if he didn't have sons (27:1-11). Second, it tells how Moses viewed the Promised Land but died without entering, but God had prepared and appointed Joshua to lead the people into the land (27:12-23). The people were like sheep, in need of a shepherd, a leader who would guide the people in the conquest of Canaan. Joshua was the clear choice. He had been the attendant of Moses from his youth (Num. 11:28; Ex 33:11). He led Israel in battle against the Amalekites, had accompanied Moses on Sinai when he received the law, and was one of the spies sent to scout the promised land. Joshua was the one to replace Moses as leader of Israel - not by accident or coincidence, but by design and preparation.

This chapter gives us a good thought to consider - preparing the next generation to take our place. It's passing the baton of leadership on. It's creating a legacy. But legacy doesn't come by accident. It is the product of training and preparation. Instead of hoping the next generation will be ready when the time comes for them to step into the next role, it's teaching, mentoring, shaping and molding them so that they can step right into the role, and the work can continue seamlessly. Paul told Timothy to teach others what he had been taught so that they might in turn be able to teach others (2 Tim. 2:2). Joshua's aren't born, they're made. They're the product of godly parents, godly mentors, wise men and women who helped teach through word and example.

Here's a question for you to think about today - what can you do to help prepare the next generation? Before you may be the next husbands and wives, mothers and father, servants, teachers, preachers, evangelists, deacons, shepherds, mentors, etc. We can hope that by the time they need to step up they'll be ready, or we can work to teach, train, and prepare them today for their roles to play in the future. Invest in a young person. Share your wisdom. Provide opportunities for them. Be a mentor. Help instill a heart of service, a sincere love for God and His Word. Show them examples of godly marriages, homes that honor Christ. Israel needed Joshua, and Joshua needed Moses. The upcoming generation will, Lord willing, one day, take our place and step into roles of leadership. Pass the torch. Do what you can today to help prepare those who will lead tomorrow.

Wonderful God, today I thank You for the family we have in Christ - what a blessing, what an encouragement, what a support they are to me. I thank You for all the godly individuals who have helped me get to where I am today - all the kind words spoken, all the good examples for me to follow, for those who never gave up on me, for those who gave me opportunities to learn and train, for those who saw the good and potential when I didn't see it in me, thank You. Help me to be the same kind of loving mentor for the next generation. Help me to teach, help me to train, help me to do what I can to prepare those who will follow after me. Thank You for our youth. Thank You for their interest in You - for the love they have for You and Your church. Thank You for the example they set. Thank You for their parents, and their commitment to raising their children in Your ways. Help us prepare the next Joshua's to continue to lead Your people closer to You.