Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“Day 30 (Numbers 30)”

Categories: 40 Days in the Wilderness

Keeping What We Vow
The vow between a man, woman and God should be taken seriously. In Numbers 30 Moses addresses the importance of vows given by men and women. These vows were not arbitrary.
For forty years Israel has been wondering. Now that they are about ready to enter the Promised Land they had to accept and apply basic principles Moses gives them.  This chapter is really simple; if one makes a vow one must keep it. And, if one hears the vow but remains silent, silent means consent.
The home is the most basic unit of society. When the home is harmonious and fruitful the nation will be as well. If we look at our world today we see the home is shattered and in many cases non-existence. It is any wonder that the world is in chaos? Lessons learned in the home prepare one for life.
For example, the lesson of self-discipline is learned in the home. Self- discipline is  opposite self- indulgence. When a vow is taken the man and woman must exercise self-discipline. Self-discipline keeps the marriage pure. Self-discipline also applies to how we keep ourselves. If we just let ourselves go it may be harder to say, “No”  when “No” should be said. It may be harder to say “Yes” when ”Yes” needs to be said. Closely connected to self-discipline is self-control. Both speak to the heart of an individual. The one who can control self is greater than one who can control a nation (Prov. 16:32). How about controlling our anger? Our tongue? Our eyes? We want to say the right things, see the proper things and have the right disposition. Those do not come by accident.
Another lesson learned in the home is respect. Respect for those in authority. The lesson is learned when each one in the family recognizes his or her place or role. When children see Mother respect Daddy and Daddy respect Mother they will see respect for others is important. When parents respect children and children respect  parents, children learn to respect authority and how to give dignity to others. It is not unusual to hear someone say, “Those kids….” I wonder if there a kid problem or respect problem. Are parents teaching respect and living respectfully in the home? I heard a young boy on the news after the recent election answer when asked, “Why did you start that fire in the street?” He said, “Because I wanted to.”  He was surrounded by anarchist. He was learning the lesson well. I wondered where  were his parents?
Vows begin with man, woman and God. They keep the home glued together. They produce lives and hearts in people who keep their word. Not simply to each other but more importantly