Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“God Speaks”

Categories: Seeing God Through the Psalms

God Speaks

Psalms 19 tells us God is real. God speaks through His world book and His word book.  We often think God only revealed Himself through His word. In Psalm 19 we see God has two books: His world book and His word book. 

In His world book, we see God through His creation. “The heavens declare” the mind and power of God. When we look up into the heavens, we see the intelligence of God. We see how marvelous and wonderful this world is made. We also see that His creation took great power. Man cannot duplicate what God has done. He is not smart enough and he is not powerful enough. Consistently, this world operates, “day unto day.” Creation “utters speech.”  While that speech is silent, it is also deafening. It shouts, “There is a God!” And, it does not matter what part of the world we may be in, the speech is still the same.

By His world book we can know there is a God. But it is by His word book we come to know who He is and how we can serve and please Him. Notice, it is in His word book we learn the law of the Lord is perfect. We learn His testimony is sure. We learn His statues are right. We learn His commandments are pure. We learn the fear of the Lord is clean and His judgments are true and righteous.

In His word book we see how valuable His word is.  It is more to be desired than gold and it is sweeter than honey. Why? Because it warns and directs. It warns us of danger and directs us to the right path.

The world book will show there is a God. The word book will tell us how we can be with Him.

Action items:

  1. Look at God’s world book and listen. But we must want to hear.
  2. Look into God’s word book and listen. But we must want to hear.
  3. “He that has ears to hear” let him hear both God’s world book and His word book.


  1. Could it be that there is in Psalm 19 a 3rd “book” or medium through Which God reveals himself? Jesus Christ, the personification, the exact representation of God’s grace and truth, God with us. Psalm 19:13-14 is an appeal to God as the one who frees us from the dominion of sin, the one who is able to make us blameless, our Rock, our Redeemer. World book. Word book. WORD book.

    by Boyd King on February 07, 2020 at 12:05pm.