Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“Psalm 133”

Categories: Seeing God Through the Psalms

Psalm 133

Unity – it’s important to God, and it ought to be important to God’s people. Why is unity so important? 

It is a gift from God (v. 1-2) – the first picture describing the blessing of unity is the anointing of the Aaron the High Priest. The role of the High Priest, the selection of the High Priest, the anointing of the High Priest – was all done by God’s direction. Notice how the word “down” is used 3 times in a row. It’s not just describing the natural flow of the oil, but reminding us the directions blessings flow – from Heaven down to Earth – from God to man. Unity is one such blessing. 

Unity is for the small and the great. The second picture is of the dew of Mount Hermon falling on Mount Zion. Hermon was considered the highest mountain in Israel. The dew falls even upon it’s lofty heights, and also falls upon Zion, which is not very high. One mountain is higher than the other, and yet both receive the refreshing dew. The benefits of unity is that it results in great blessings, not just on those we might consider more important or more prominent, but even on the lesser, the younger, or the weaker. Just as disharmony harms all, the blessings of unity reaches all. 

The blessings of unity flows from one person to another. The anointing of Aaron was a blessing from God for him, but being the High Priest, Aaron’s role was one that blessed the nation. Those who live at peace with God, with others, and with themselves tend to be a blessing wherever they go. They know how to find common ground, how to dissolve conflict, and bring peace. 

Unity is a foretaste of Heaven. The final verse of the psalm speaks of “life forevermore.” Dwelling in unity – being of the same mind, the same heart, the same love towards one another, is but a taste of what is to come when we all gather before the throne of Heaven, united in our praise and glory to the King. 

So ask the question – am I contributing to unity or division? Do I stir up trouble? Do I spread rumors and gossip? Do I leave a trail of conflict wherever I go? Or am I known as a peacemaker? Do I strive to preserve peace with others? Do I work to find common ground? Rather than giving up, do I strive to find a solution? Am I quick to extend grace, hoping others will do the same? Make a commitment today – be one who works for unity.  

Wonderful Prince of Peace, the words You recorded in this psalm shine like a bright light in our dark and divided world. Let it be different with me. Help me be a peacemaker. Let my lips be full of your truth, spoken with love and kindness. Let me extend grace where I may be tempted to sulk in bitterness. It was our Lord’s prayer in John 17 that we all be one. Help me to take the first step in the relationships in my life to dwell in unity – united in You. What a beautiful foretaste of what is to come. Thank You for the promise of Heaven gracious Lord.