


“The Lord said, ‘Elijah will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.’” (Malachi 4:6).

Studies reveal that 40% of children grow up without a father in their homes, and another 40% have dads who are physically present but emotionally absent. This absence of a father’s love and guidance is devastating to children. It is not an exaggeration to say it is as devastating as the plagues were to Pharaoh and Egypt.

God promises to send the prophet Elijah, who would to focus attention on fathers and their children. Today, broken marriages, misplaced priorities, addictions, and run-of-the-mill selfishness ruin so many relationships between fathers and their children. Many want to make changes, but bitterness and hardness of heart prevent healing and progress. Each one insists, “I’m right, and you’re wrong,” or “I’m hurt, and it is all your fault.” Can this deadlock be broken?

Forgiveness is the one and only solution to bitterness. If one side will not or cannot take the initiative, the other side can. We first go to God with the realization of our own sinfulness and our own need for His forgiveness; then, out of forgiven hearts, we choose to forgive those who hurt us. It’s not easy, but it’s the only way to restore the most cherished relationships on earth.

Is there anyone in your family that needs forgiveness? Let us experience God’s forgiveness and then choose to forgive those who hurt us!