


When Superman takes off his Superman outfit, who is he? Clark Kent? No, he is still Superman. It doesn’t matter what clothes he wears. He is still Superman on the inside. His strength came not from the uniform he wore, but from the power within.

The power within does not come from us. It comes from God. “If anyone ministers, let him do it with the ability which God supplies…” (1 Pet. 4:11).  God supplies the power we need. We are made in God’s image. Our heart, soul, mind, passion, and love exist because God created us in His image. It does not matter how we dress up, on the inside we are still created in God’s image. 

It's tragic when we fall for the lie that we can be someone else.  We can change who we are. But when we come face to face with the reality of our sin, we realize all we have been doing is taking off the cape. We are still in God’s image. Sin stained that image, but we are still in His image. The good news is that our stained image can be made pure, white as snow once again. We are not just human. We are made in God’s image. That makes us super.

Satan uses the illusion, and lie, that outside circumstances define who we are. They have power over us. But the truth is, God did not make us from the outside-in. He made us from the inside-out. How many of us have been living like Clark Kent, when in reality, on the inside we are made for far more, and that there is more within us? 

See, to be a child of God no cape is required. What is required is a heart, soul, and mind, single-mindedly devoted to doing His will. No cape, no makeup. We do not have to impress anyone. We must be striving to grow to be who we were created to be. We must strive to have a heart that wants to do all things always that please the Father. We do not have to be a superman. It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13).  

Rickie Jenkins