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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
12/19/22 2023 Theme: "O Thou Fount of Every Blessing" (Jordan Shouse and Ron Ritchie) Jordan Shouse/Ron Ritchie O Thou Fount of Every Blessing (2023 Theme) Sunday 9:00 AM 20221218-1-2023_Theme_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
12/18/22 The Unique Church that Belongs to Christ (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221218-2-The_Unique_Church_that_Belongs_to_Christ_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
12/12/22 Wasted Years (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221211-2-Wasted_Years_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
12/11/22 Seeing the Savior in the Storm (Jesse Bartley) Jesse Bartley N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221211-Seeing_the_Savior_in_the_Storm_Jesse_Bartley.mp3
12/04/22 When Shepherds need Shepherding (Jordan Shouse) Jordan Shouse N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221004-1-When_Shepherds_need_Shepherding_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
11/27/22 The Journey to the Cross (Rickie Jenkins Jordan Shouse) Rickie Jenkins and Jordan Shouse N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221127-The_Journey_to_the_Cross_Rickie_Jenkins_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
11/20/22 The Power of Thanksgiving (Jordan Shouse) Jordan Shouse N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221120-2-The_Power_of_Thanksgiving_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
11/20/22 Rejoice! (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221120-1-Rejoice_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
11/14/22 Help for the Hurting (Jordan Shouse) Jordan Shouse N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221113-2-Help_for_the_Hurting_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
11/13/22 Never, Never Give Up! (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221113-1-Never_Never_Give_Up_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
11/08/22 Paul's All-Consuming Passion: Part 2 (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221106-2-Pauls_Consuming_Passion_Part_2_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
11/08/22 The Enemy Force (Tim Wright) Tim Wright N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221106-1-The_Enemy_Force_Tim_Wright.mp3
10/30/22 Paul's All-Consuming Passion (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221030-1-Pauls_All-Consuming_Passion_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
10/30/22 Common Questions, Bible Answers: Baptism (Jordan Shouse) Jordan Shouse N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221030-2-Common_Questions_Bible_Answers_Baptism.mp3
10/23/22 Healing Our Past (Jordan Shouse) Jordan Shouse Hand in Hand with the Healer Sunday 10:50 AM 20221023-1-Healing_Our_Past_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
10/16/22 Two Men Who Encouraged Paul (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 10:50 AM 20221016-2-Two_Men_Who_Encouraged_Paul_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
10/16/22 About that Opinion... (Erik Peterson) Erik Peterson N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221016-1-About_that_Opinion_Erik_Peterson.mp3
10/09/22 Living the Gospel (Rickie Jenkins) Rickie Jenkins N/A Sunday 9:00 AM 20221009-1-Living_the_Gospel_Rickie_Jenkins.mp3
10/09/22 Relational Integrity (Jordan Shouse) Jordan Shouse Realignment Sunday 10:50 AM 20221009-2-Relational_Integrity_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
10/06/22 God's Powerful Voice (Mark White) Mark White Reviving Our Reverence for God Gospel Meeting 20221005-1-Gods_Powerful_Voice_Mark_White.mp3
10/06/22 Behold the Goodness and Severity of God (Rickie Jenkins and Jordan Shouse) Rickie Jenkins and Jordan Shouse Reviving Our Reverence for God Gospel Meeting 20221004-1-Behold_the_Goodness_and_Severity_of_God_Rickie_Jenkins_and_Jordan_Shouse.mp3
10/03/22 Creating Thirst for God (Mark White) Mark White Reviving Our Reverence for God Gospel Meeting 20221003-1-Creating_Thirst_for_God_Mark_White.mp3
10/03/22 Worship God with Reverence and Awe (Mark White) Mark White Reviving Our Reverence for God Gospel Meeting 20221003-Worship_God_with_Reverence_and_Awe_Mark_White.mp3
10/02/22 God's Holy, Awesome Name (Mark White) Mark White Reviving Our Reverence for God Gospel Meeting 20221002-2-Gods_Holy_Awesome_Name_Mark_White.mp3
10/02/22 Great is Our God Above All Gods (Mark White) Mark White Reviving Our Reverence for God Gospel Meeting 20221002-3-Great_is_Our_God_Above_All_Gods_Mark_White.mp3

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