Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“The End of Evil”

Categories: A Month of Victory

The End of Evil - Revelation 20

In the past few chapters of Revelation we’ve been reading about God’s judgments against the enemies of His people. In chapter 17-18 Babylon the great met her end. In chapter 19 the two beasts were defeated. That leaves one last enemy – the one who is behind all this evil – the dragon. 

While the first part of the chapter gets the most attention, and is the focus of many different end time theories, the main thought of this chapter is simply: Satan is defeated. 

His end is announced in v. 10: the devil…was thrown into the lake of fire, there to be tormented day and night. Satan, the accuser (Rev. 12:10), has now himself been accused. Every time Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future. 

The chapter ends with the book of life being opened (v. 12). All those whose names were not found in the book of life were also thrown into the lake of fire (v. 15). Chapter 20 describes all the enemies defeated: Satan, the wicked, even death (v. 14). Chapter 20 points us forward – there will be a day when all will stand before the thrown, with the book of life opened, being judged for the things they’ve done. This chapter is both comforting and sobering. Evil will be punished – God wins. Yet remember, we will all one day stand before the throne. Will our names be found in the book of life? As we sing, “There’s a great day coming, when the saints and the sinners will be parted right and left, are you ready for that day to come?” Everyone on God’s side wins – are you on God’s side?