Our Bible Classes

Our Bible Classes

How can we follow God if we don’t know what He wants? Our Bible classes are designed to help all of us, from 2 years old and up, learn God’s word. These classes can’t replace individual study, but we see them as a valuable way to learn more about God’s plan for us.

Our 2 and 3 year old classes use a program called Shaping Hearts for God, which takes them through foundational Bible stories from Genesis, Exodus, and the New Testament. Ages 4 through high school use a custom-built curriculum that covers the entire Bible every 3 years. All of these classes feature two teachers that work together to help our young people learn and apply God’s word. 

Adults are treated to a choice of Bible classes each quarter. Both evangelists and members teach these classes, investing countless hours so they can teach God’s word with conviction and accuracy.

Interested? Come and see!

Adult Bible Classes - Begin September 1, 2024 

  1. Ezra and Nehemiah - Martin Henderson/Chuck Dallas
  2. Acts - Jesse Bartly/Richard Hoover
  3. Life of Jesus - Conrad Feagin/Matt Jones/Tony Eldridge

Age 4 through 10th Grade rotation

  1. Genesis
  2. Exodus
  3. Israel's Wanderings
  4. Judges and Kings
  5. Kings and Prophets
  6. Captivity and Return
  7. Wisdom Literature
  8. Life of Christ
  9. Acts
  10. Epistles I
  11. Epistles II
  12. Epistles III