

Spirit Killers

Griping, fussing, complaining, criticizing, why do we do that?  Why do people do that?
Anytime there is something a person does not like, it is always easy to find the negatives. Finding the negatives takes no effort and little intelligence or imagination. It requires little thoughtful thinking. All a person has to do is react to whatever it is that is disliked and use the words “always” and “never.”  Those words then make the complaint true, right? No, they don’t. Those words are hyperboles and are intended to intimidate the listener. The listener then reasons, “Wow! I have not thought of that.” Thought of what?
Criticizing and complaining only satisfy the complainer and the one who criticizes. They do not build up. They do not offer constructive solutions. They are used simply to gripe. They only focus on the negative. Have you ever heard anyone fuss about what they like? Anyone come complain about why things are great? Have you ever heard anyone criticize or complain about a mate who is pleasing? Have you ever heard anyone criticize what makes them feel good?  Can’t we see that the negatives only tear down?
Why not make a little effort and, instead of finding the wrong or negative, look for the positive? Yes, it takes effort, especially when we are trying to find something positive about something you don’t like. What if we were constructive about the thing that causes us to complain? What if we tried to find a way to embrace that which we criticize?
When we fuss, gripe, complain, and criticize, whose spirit are we reflecting?  Since most of the time these things involve judgment, might we reflect whose spirit we imitate when we do this?  What if we were longsuffering, forbearing, sought good for others, considered others better than ourselves and had the selfless mind of Christ?
It takes greater effort and a better spirit to build up. It requires only carnality to tear down.  There is a greater cost for building than tearing down. Anyone can tear down, not everyone is willing to build up.
Oops! It is hard to talk about griping, fussing, and complaining without griping, fussing, and complaining. 
