

What Helps You Spiritually?

At first this may make no sense to anyone, but what helps me spiritually is to feel good. I think that is what James talks about in James 5:13-15. When we feel bad we become despondent and discouraged. Then we begin to doubt and question. It is a testing of our faith that is very real. Exercise, eating properly, both of which I hate, produce the result I like. I like to feel good. When I feel good I do better. When I feel better I read my Bible more, I pray more. I think better of others. I give others the benefit of the doubt better.
Further, what helps me spiritually is to be active. Inactivity causes me to look only at myself, my wants, and my selfishness. However, when I am busy and active in my work and with others I look up and I look out. If all we focus on is ourselves and our problems, we will be miserable, utterly miserable.  Contentment comes when I do what I know I need to do and what will help others.
Again, I am helped spiritually when I take time to rest. That may seem to contradict what I just said. No, there is a difference in taking time to be rejuvenated and inactivity. Taking time away from the regular grind of life and from my regular responsibilities helps me stay connected to what is most important in life. It gives me time to work through the clutter and reinforce what I know is the most important. Even Jesus took time to get away from the people and go to the mountain to spend time with His Father. When Elijah was down God told him to go rest for 40 days. When we push, grind, and wear ourselves out but take little time to be rejuvenated we do ourselves more harm than good in the long run. Spiritually we will be exhausted and good for no one, not even ourselves.
Exercise profits. Work gives purpose. Rest provides recovery. When we are whole in mind, spirit, and body, we will be better spiritually. We are wonderfully made. We are made to operate in harmony with our own being. When one part of us is out of “whack”, the rest will carry the load and suffer the consequences. If we want to be whole spiritually we must not only pay attention to our soul but our body and mind.