

Some Things I Have Learned

Recognize “who” is the source of discouragement.
Life under the sun never balances out. The strong do not always win, the race does not always go to the swift.
Age does not always provide wisdom nor all the answers. In fact, age often brings more questions.
Even at age 91 a person can still be actively serving the Lord. That is my dad.
I cannot control what happened to me but I can control what I do with what has happened to me.
Sometimes the wicked are rewarded and the innocent, or righteous, are hurt and suffer.
I get to choose to be victorious or a victim
People are people, and people will always be people.
Surprisingly, preachers are people too.
I can only control one; that is me.
I get to choose my attitude.
I get to choose the story. I do not get to choose the facts.
Capitalism is a great system, but it is a not always fair.
There are good people in the world.
Love never fails, but I sometimes fail to love.
Bitterness makes one bitter.
Hurting people hurt people.
Hurting people need healing too.
About the time I think I have somethings figured out, I figure out I do not have them figured out.
Life is like a golf swing. There ain’t no such thing as a perfect swing.
Teenagers are a blessing, but they sure can be frustrating.
Teenagers do not know what they do not know. What they know is so little.
Parents are sometimes as dumb as teenagers think they are.
The reason there is no such thing as a perfect sermon is because there is no such thing as a perfect preacher.
Life under the sun is vain, but life with the Son is full.
Trying to find satisfaction in life under the sun is like trying to catch bubbles.  Once you catch them there is nothing there.
Why do we fret and become anxious over things that are empty?
Every month the bills come due.
About the time you get a new house, a hail storm comes and reminds you it is still just a house.
It doesn’t matter how old they become; a parent is always a parent.
The time comes when the parent needs their children to become their providers and protectors.
My mentors really are as great as I thought them to be.
My closest friends today have become my mentors.
How you spell Blessings: CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN
Well, that is not all I have learned but it is a good start. Thanks for reading.