

Age Has Its Joys

Age does indeed bring its trials, but we need to also know that age is not all dark and foreboding. Age also has its joys. Yes, it is hard to watch loved ones age and struggle with the easy things in life, but age is not all bad.

For example, with age you can reflect on life and see the future more clearly. The aged can think back on life and all that they have experienced and watched develop. I mean, think about what all those in their 90’s has seen in their lifetime. They saw the cure for polio, measles, chicken pox. They have seen man fly and go to the moon.  Oh, by the way, I read not long ago the fastest growing age group are people in their 90’s. What a hoot! They have seen heart transplants and so much more. For those who are Christians, they have seen division and harmony. They have seen congregations struggle to just open the door and now see churches well established and great in number. What a life well lived!

Again, with age, comes stories. We need their stories. We need to know of their childhood. We need to know of their early struggles as a couple. We need to know how they overcame adversity and even loss. We need to hear their stories about their accomplishments. For those who fought in wars for our freedoms, we must hear about the struggle for freedom and the great cost. We also need to hear the struggles of the church. The conflicts and debates. The loss of cherished relationships because truth was more valuable and precious. We need to hear their life stories and stories as married couples. How did they meet? Where did they live? We need their stories to know our own story.

With age comes financial peace and independence. Those weeks and months when making ends meet are now in the rear-view mirror. A life of saving, investing, and earnings have yielded a life of comfort and security. Now, in age you can buy what you want any time you want, for the most part.  One other thing that comes with financial peace, is having learned the lesson that just because you can purchase a particular thing does not mean you need to. What was once spent out of impulse is recognized as superfluous. While the power to buy is readily available, a life of thriftiness restrains. Also, with financial ability, now the aged can help their children or grandchildren. You get to experience the joy of sharing what you accumulated with those you love.

With age comes spiritual maturity. Years of spiritual growth and study have now prepared men for leadership. It has prepared women for being his greatest asset. Together they serve the congregation in ways they could not when younger. When the job was demanding and the kids were active, there was little time to visit, call, or have someone in your home to encourage. Now in the time of spiritual maturity, you can see the need and promptly reach to help. Also, Bible knowledge is a storehouse of wisdom. When you speak, it has meaning and purpose. That Bible wisdom, understanding, longsuffering, and mercy in giving people time to grow.
Yes, age has its joy as well as its trials. There is no vaccine for age and its challenges. But there is a remedy for never growing old in your heart, soul, and mind. A person can be as young as one chooses. Age may take the mind and body, but it can never touch what God gave us when He created us. Even in age we are still in His image. This life is not all there is. There is something greater and ever dearer.

Rickie Jenkins