

Add Value

“The more you add value, the more you'll be valued. Look for ways to give more than you receive today. Love, serve, care. Encourage others and make ‘WE’ greater than ‘me’” (Jon Gordon).

We all add value. We may not think we do, but we do. Paul uses the illustration of the body to show that each part is important and that all are valuable (Rom. 12:4-5). There are no wasted or useless parts. Every part contributes. Then he mentions different gifts to show that each one has a place (Rom. 12:6-8). There are no wasted gifts. Each one has a place and function.  We may feel left out and unimportant. But each one is valuable.

Consider the gifts Paul mentions, which gift best describes you? Is it delivering God’s word? Serving? Teaching? Exhorting? Giving? Showing mercy? Whatever the gift, the point is: use it. All gifts are according to God’s grace. Does God share His grace wastefully? God gives us gifts because He knows we all have value and can make a valuable contribution to others.

Each one adds value, and the more value we add, the more valuable we are. We each have a place, a part to play in this great adventure of being a Christian. Maybe there are times, or maybe it is the norm for you, that you feel like you don’t fit in. You feel like nobody notices. You feel like you can’t do what you see others doing. You feel like you can never do enough. You feel like you are overlooked and left out. Well, whether that is true or not, if you feel that way, then shame on the rest of us for not loving, caring, and serving you more. Maybe it is not you, maybe it is the rest of us simply do not pay attention. We spend time in our little pod or focusing on ourselves. However, even if you may not feel valued, God values you. Our identity and our value are not determined by our talent, our gifts, or our personality. Our value is determined by our relationship with God. What we do or whatever gifts we have is not who we are; our identity is determined by God.

God did not make a single person who possesses every gift. He did not make any of us the same. He made us each with our gifts and personalities to add value to others. We are made to love, care, serve, and encourage others. If our gift is giving, then give with liberality. If our gift is showing mercy, then show mercy with cheerfulness. If our gift is sharing God’s word, then share God’s word. If our gift is serving, then use it to serve others. Look for more ways to add value to others each day. “We” is greater than “me.”

We all add value to each other. We all need each other. We need the gifts we offer to one another. So let’s get to it. Add value by using what God has given you!

Rickie Jenkins