

Thank You

I have always been intrigued by the story Jesus told of healing the ten lepers. When it was all said and done only one returned to tell Him, “Thank you.” Even Jesus asked, “Where are the other nine?” Jesus did not perform the miracle expecting a thank you, but it certainly should have been expressed. How do we feel about that when we read that story? Are we not a little incensed about their ingratitude? But are we really incensed?

How often do we forget to express gratitude for the many blessings and gifts God has given us? What about our salvation? What about His grace? What about His forgiveness? We could not earn any of these. We merit no attention by Him. I am not pointing a finger at anyone else, I am pointing it at myself.  I know I take these blessings for granted. We forget to say, “Thank you!”

Consider that one of Satan’s best tools is to get us so busy that we overlook the gifts and people that really make the difference in our lives. One of my regrets in life is that I did not take more time to enjoy my children when they were smaller and growing up. I was so busy trying to raise them I failed to enjoy them as fully as I wish I had. The same is true with marriage. We become so distracted with paying the bills and making sure we have more money left at the end of our month that we take each other for granted. We forget to say, “Thank you!”

My reality is this: I don’t know many people as richly blessed as I am. I have an amazing wife. I have amazing children and grandchildren. I am blessed to have both of my amazing parents still living. I get to work with amazing brethren in this local church. I have amazing shepherds, who are head and shoulders above most. I have two exceedingly excellent young men who share in preaching the gospel. I receive support mentally, emotionally, and financially in abundance. I have great health. Too often I am like the nine. I need to remember to say, “Thank you!”

So, when life seems to get heavy, when the burdens begin to overwhelm, when struggles become imposing mountains to climb, pause to say, “Thank you!” Because somewhere along the way He carried each of us! Those footprints in the sand are Him carrying us all along the way.

Rickie Jenkins