Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“Walking Through Ephesians”

Categories: Walking Through Ephesians

In our B.L.A.S.T. weekend, Jarrett Ferguson shared some conclusions from research done on Generation Z, also known as the “Open Generation.” What this research found was that this young generation has expressed a rising interest in God and spirituality, but a declining interest and devotion to His church. That mindset isn’t unique to the youth of our generation. There seems to be a general wrestling and questioning over the relevance of Christ’s church. Not but a decade ago it was popularly stated as, “I love Jesus, I hate religion.” 

 Found right in the heart of our New Testaments is a letter that provides the clarity for these confusing thoughts. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians contains some of the most beautiful language regarding our salvation in Christ, some of the most practical instructions regarding our daily devotion as disciples to the Lord, and some of the most powerful and purposeful words about Christ’s church. 

 The letter of Ephesians leaves the reader all the more impressed with the Lord’s creation of His church. Here’s just a taste of what we see about Christ and His church through Ephesians: 

  • Jesus died for His Church (EPH 1:5-6)
  • Jesus is the head of His Church (EPH 1:22-23) 
  • Jesus united Jew and Gentile, all the world in His church (EPH 2:15-18)
  • Jesus laid the foundation for His Church (EPH 2:20)
  • Jesus provided the Gospel through which resulted in His church (EPH 3:3-10)
  • Jesus is glorified through His church (EPH 3:21)
  • Jesus equipped His church for unity, work, and growth (EPH 4:11-15)
  • Jesus pointed to marriage as an illustration of His relationship with His church (EPH 5:22-33)
  • Jesus armored His church to face spiritual battles (EPH 6:10-17)

 One phrase found 7 times in this small letter is, “walk.” And that’s what we’re inviting each of you to do. Join us for a walk through this incredible letter and come away with a renewed love and devotion for the Lord and His Church.