Walking Through Ephesians

Walking Through Ephesians

“Walking Through Ephesians - Day 5”

Categories: Walking Through Ephesians

Ephesians 2:11-22

Paul has begun reminding us about the amazing grace God has shown to all men including Gentiles. In this section of Ephesians, Paul tells how God’s construction project of making His people is coming to its completion. This meant something amazing for the Gentiles then, and for us who are continuing to be used by God today. Paul gives us some reminders that seem to build on each other:

Remember where you came from:

· Paul says Gentiles were separated from God, God’s people, God’s promises, and God’s presence. They were foreign to God. They were without God. They didn’t know God and God didn’t know them. They were truly at rock bottom. They were as far from God as possible. This is where we were before coming to Christ. We were without God. We had nothing and were working towards nothing.

Remember where you are now:

· Paul then goes on to speak of where the Gentiles are now in Christ. They began at a place without God and now they are here. Here is a good place. Here means being with God. Here means claiming God’s promises. Here means peace with all men. Here is a citizen in God’s house. Here is not just better than where you were. Here is going from zero to one hundred. Completely without God to fully enjoying God. This is where those of us in Christ are now. We have a new status and a new position.

Remember where you are going:

· Paul finishes this section by writing what is possibly the apex of the first three chapter. This “peak” is a picture of a temple. Paul says not only are Gentiles now brought near, but they are actively participating in something amazing. They are becoming the new temple of God. The temple represented where God was. It was where people came to be in the presence of God. It is how people drew near to God. Now, in Christ, we can become just that. A dwelling place for God and a way for people to draw near to Him. Christ drew us near and now we can draw others.

God’s plan was always for all His people to be together. God had a purpose in choosing the nation of Israel to bring the Messiah, but He always planned to open the floor plan to include all people. Through Christ, God has done some serious remodeling. He has broken down walls so all his people can come into His new house. A new temple where all people are included. God has brought us into this project. Christ and the apostles started it, and now we continue the work of building up God’s new temple that has room for everyone.