

What a Day

“What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. What a day, glorious day that will be.” Imagination is not sufficient, what a glorious day that will be. Even all the glorious images that John paints for us in his Revelation are but mere attempts to describe in human terms the indescribable.

Yes, it will be a glorious day because Jesus we shall see. But then, we will also see the Father and the Holy Spirit. What a glorious day to be able to peer into the face of Deity.

Further, it will be glorious because of all the witnesses we shall see. How glorious will it be to see father Abraham? How marvelous to see Noah, David, and Moses. But what of those women who have been faithful witnesses? What a glorious moment it will be to meet Dorcas, Hannah, Ruth, Esther and Jochebed. Even to see Adam and Eve and listen to the story of their creation. They doubtless told Noah, who passed it down to all successive generations.

Also, it will be glorious to see those we love who have preceded us in death. To hear them say, “Yes, it is worth it all.” “I wanted to tell you but you had to come by faith in the grace of God.” What a glorious moment to look into the faces of our loved ones from whom we have been separated, because of death, for all these years. Furthermore, all of our loved ones who remain alive when the Lord comes will be transformed in the blink of an eye. They will be there too. I cannot imagine life without Jody and to think of spending eternity with her is a glorious thought. Just to see my parents, children and grandchildren there will be one glorious day.

Finally, it will be a glorious day because we will be there. At least, we have that hope and assurance. Can you imagine no more crying, no more sighing, no more weariness? My older sister will no longer limp because of polio. Infirmities that handicap us today will all be gone. Disease will be no more.

Yes, “What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see. What a day, glorious day that will be.”