

Now What?

Well, here we are again. Every four years it happens. Here is the election and in about sixteen months we will begin to be bombarded with who should be elected the next President of the United States. The run for this high office seems to be a full time job anymore.

This is not about who to vote for. I would not dare tell anyone for whom they ought to vote. I might express who I think would be best to serve but that is my opinion. What I would like to offer, though, is a little perspective.

This election is really not unlike any other in the history of the United States. It is just the election in our time, today. Historically there have been many other elections, in fact most of them, where two candidates were less than desirable. The United States has had many serve in this great office who did not have the best interest of America in their hearts. Many who have run for and been elected have done so for selfish reasons. The Presidency has often been occupied by seriously flawed individuals who had ulterior motives.

The first thing I would like remind us is we are citizens of a greater kingdom. The King in that Kingdom is completely righteous, holy, and pure. He serves for the good of His citizens. He sacrifices Himself for His people (Phil. 3:20). God is on His throne. He is in control. When all seems to be coming apart at the seams, remember He controls all nations. He will not tell us for whom to vote, but whoever is elected that person will not thwart His kingdom nor His rule.

Second, realize our form of government is set up to be polarizing. In fact, at times in which there has been one party in power there has been more chaos than agreement. The one party devours one another. Further, one person does not make the United States. So when we hear these candidates tell us all they are going to do, that is baloney! There is a congress, a Senate and Supreme Court. Can they influence what happens? Yes. But they alone are not going to change the laws. One candidate is not going to recind the Affordable Care Act, nor is one candidate going to recind the second amendment. Admittedly, they can offer influence, but that is not the way our form of government works.

Third, all earthly governments are flawed because they are operated by flawed men and women. What do we expect out of people who are totally carnal-minded? It seems like we expect them to get a dose of spiritual mindedness and govern from a God mindset when all their lives they have not known Him nor even given one thought as to how they may please Him. What do we really expect from them? They are who they are.

So go vote for whomever you will. Voting is a precious privilege most nations do not have. But when you vote, remember God still rules and Jesus is on His throne as Lord. And remember, He gets the last say.