

How Does Life Look?

Is life really simple enough to solve all our problems by simply asking, “What is wise?” The short answer is, “Yes!”

It would be nice if we could go back and redo adolescence, and maybe drop in and redo our twenties and thirties. But we can’t. We only get one shot at every season of life. Whether or not we learn anything becomes evident in the seasons that follow.

So the real question today is, “Are we willing to face up to God’s will for our lives?” Are we prepared to ask, “What is the wise thing to do?” Taking a giant step toward overcoming our past, living our present, and protecting our future is asking this question.

As we evaluate where we are financially, relationally, morally, professionally, and spiritually, what would we do differently in each of those areas if we were to embrace the question, “What is wise?” In light of our past experiences, current circumstances and future hopes and dreams, what is the wise thing to do financially? Relationally? Morally? Professionally? Spiritually?

Remember, we are not asking for anyone else; only ourselves. What is the wise thing for us to do? Resist the temptation to hide behind broad generalities and cultural norms. We are a unique blend of experiences, current circumstances and future hopes and dreams. Wisdom allows us to customize the decision-making process to our specific professional, financial, and relational areas of concern.

How different would our world be now if we had been processing our options this way from the beginning? How different our life might look a year from now if we embraced this question: “What is the wise thing to do?”