


The secret to winning is not in the circumstances. Neither is it in anything external. Winning comes from inside. It depends on the control of self. Ultimate success or failure depends on how well a man can or will control himself.

Self-control is self-restraint, the opposite of no restraint. It is self-discipline instead of self-indulgence. It requires the power to control one’s own will. Another word for self-control is temperance. This word means a dominion over all desires; it denotes chastity and self-rule. It simply means that people are strong enough in will to enforce on themselves what they deem to be right.

Paul said, “I keep my body under subjection . . . “(1 Cor. 9: 27). Another version translates it: “I buffet my body and make it my slave.” Paul refers to the discipline of an athlete. A winning athlete rules his mind so that he can command his body to perform. He disciplines himself in his training to concentrate–to focus his attention to the one thing in his performance.

That discipline may not always be pleasant; it often isn’t fun. “Buffet” literally describes a blow delivered to the eye, and the massive bruise that results. That mauled face testifies to the pain of subjection–as well as its demand. The body makes a good servant, but a poor master. Self-discipline transforms the master into the servant.

Many have the idea that being a Christian is like being a member of some social club. It’s easy! It’s fun! And you can take it or leave it as the whim happens to be. That is absolutely wrong! Being a Christian involves noble and difficult goals, and this demands self-discipline for success.

Achieving our goals will require our will and our ability to endure. If we avoid unpleasantness or back off every time something does not go our way we will never attain our goal. Are we willing to endure the cuts and bruises to be successful? Are we able to bear the pain to reach the goal? Are we willing to endure the bruises of spirit when people insult us or hurt our feelings? Are we able?

Winning is a matter of self-control.