

The People of God

I love the people of God. I really do. I love the people who comprise this congregation. Each one is unique and amazing. Each one offers so much to others. The people of this church are gifted, sincere, and love one another. More importantly, each one loves the Lord. The motivation of each one is to grow closer to the Lord in every area of life.

Oh yes, we a few fleas and ticks. Along the way we annoy one another. Once in a while there is a kerfuffle over something. At times we have those weak in understanding. Sometimes it is me. More seriously, along the way we sometimes hurt one another. Those times are the saddest times for me, when I have been a discouragement to another, or when I have hurt someone else. Oh, that is disappointing to me. To think that I would be so selfish to hurt another member of our family. That is not humbling but humiliating. Each one is precious and of so much worth. Why would anyone dare destroy one for whom Christ died?

I love the people of God here because they are so generous. Not only financially, but giving of themselves. The people here will inconvenience themselves to help a brother or sister. The people here give themselves.

I love the people here because there is a strong desire to be transformed into the image of God. Everything we do in the family of God is aimed at helping each one attain that goal. The teaching, the preaching, the memorial, the songs are all aimed at helping each one increase in their walk with God. No matter when we gather, we gather to accomplish that with each other. Whether we gather collectively or in one another’s home, it is evident that is our purpose together. The people here have a genuine spirit.

I love the people here because the word of God means everything to each one. The word of God is our guide. The word of God is sweeter than honey from the honeycomb. First and last, everything we are and do is directed by the word of God. Self and self-will is subjected to the word of God. I love the people here because each one has a hunger and thirst for God. Each has an appreciation for the gift of righteousness Christ provides.

I just love the people of God in this congregation. However, here is one problem in this church. ME! I admire each one so very much, but so I have much to work on. I have no time to criticize or complain about anyone or anything. I have my work cut out working on me. I am so thankful for your long-suffering and forbearance.

I just love the people of God!