

Knowing Our Purpose

Knowing Our Purpose

Sometimes we struggle to know our purpose. When we find that purpose in life, everything in life aligns itself. Discouragement goes away, frustration disappears, and life takes on meaning.

Of course, I am not interested in exploring any purpose. I am interested in learning my purpose as I relate to God.

The first thing I need to understand is that God intends for me to be saved and transformed into the image of His Son (Rom. 8:28-30). That is it. That sounds so simple but transformation is gradual. It is urgent but gradual. We will not go to sleep one night and wake up the next morning transformed into His image.

Being transformed into His image will change my heart, the way I think, my very attitude and character. Transformed in to His image means we look like the Son. Can we imagine Him committing adultery? Lying? Of course not! Being transformed means I seek to be righteous as He is righteous (1 John. 2:29). It means I seek to be pure as He is pure (1 John 3:4). It means that when people see me, they see Him.

Second, I want people to see God. I want them to see beauty of all God has created. I want them to have eyes to see through the innocence of a little child. I want to help people simply open their eyes to be filled with His fullness (Eph. 3:19). When we open our eyes and see God and His marvelous work it produces powerful transformation. It is hard to be depressed or discouraged when we see Him. His sovereignty and great power can be seen through all He has created. His great love for us can be seen by His sacrifice on the cross.

I love the song by John Fisher, “Have You Seen Jesus My Lord?”
“Have you ever stood at the ocean with the white foam at your feet; Felt the endless thundering motion, Then I say you’ve seen Jesus my Lord.

“Have you ever looked at the sunset with the sky mellowing red; Seen the clouds suspended like feathers, Then I say you’ve seen Jesus my Lord

“Have you ever looked at the cross, with a man hanging in pain; Seen the look of love in His eyes, Then I say you’ve seen Jesus my Lord.

“Have you ever stood in the family, with the Lord there in your midst; Seen the face of Christ on each other, Then I say you’ve seen Jesus my Lord.

“Have you seen Jesus my Lord, He’s here in plain view. Take a look, open your eyes, He’ll show it to you.”

We want it said that when people have seen us they have seen Jesus the Lord.