

Fear and Faith

Jon Gordon wrote, “Fear and faith have one thing in common. They both believe in a future that hasn’t happened yet. Fear believes in a negative future. Faith believes in a positive future. If neither has happened yet, why wouldn’t we choose to believe in a positive future?”

That really impressed me. I began thinking about the children of Israel and their opportunity to cross into the Promise Land. Ten of the spies, out of fear, said that they were not able. Fear of the giants and the land kept them from believing they could. Yet, their fear was over something that had not happened.

Conversely, Joshua and Caleb believed in God and the promises He had made regarding the land. That was in the future, too. They had not possessed the land yet.

The promise of God was in the future, but because of something that had not happened for the next forty years the children of Israel wondered until all but Joshua and Caleb had died. Their fear lead to unbelief, and because of something that had not happened they died without ever seeing the Promised Land.

Now it is easy to see that in them, but how about me? Fear, worry, anxiety, stress can also keep me from inheriting what God has promised. We have a future. The future will come. So why not believe in the positive results of that future rather than doubting? We do not see God. We have never seen Heaven. Heaven is promised, but will we let fear keep us from believing what God has promised?

Further, how many times do we let fear of rejection by our peers govern our decisions, simply because we are concerned about what someone will say about us? If I should stand up to them because of their language or lifestyle, will I let fear of what may happen stop me from believing in a positive outcome? There will be an outcome, why not believe in a positive result? Perhaps they will surprise and appreciate what you say to them.

Also, preaching is that way. Sometimes I just shake before I get up to preach. For various reasons I am just overcome by fear. But it is fear of something that has not yet happened. Most of the time things work with positive results.

Parents with their children can do the same thing. Parents become so fearful for their child they hover to protect and keep them from harm so much they do not let them engage in an activity in which they might lose or be hurt. But faith says they may succeed, conquer, and experience positive results.

Both fear and faith have a risk. Fear over the possibility of rejection. Faith has the risk that we leave everything that means anything to us based on a promise in a God we have not seen. Faith takes the risk. The track record of faith in God is much better.