


The word submit is not a word that generally produces warm fuzzy feelings. It seems draconian. It’s like we are being forced to accept something we do not want. Perhaps the word yield is a word we are more readily familiar with on a day to day basis. For example, when driving we come to a sign that says, “Yield”, which means give the right of way to another. We let the other go before us. Again, when parents are picking up their children from school there is often the “school crossing.” At that crossing, cars yield to the children. Regarding our life in an organized society, there are certain laws we yield to for the good of all. We submit all the time whether we recognize it or not.

When a wife is told to submit to her husband, it is not because he is her master. She yields the rule of the family to him. She gives over to him her right to have her own way. Yet, when the husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church he governs for her good, not his. He submits to her. He takes the lead in letting her go before him.

We are told to submit to one another (Eph. 5:21). Interesting that this follows information about how spirit-filled people behave. It address their attitude. People who are spirit-filled give thanks, sing from their heart, and submit to one another. They try to outdo one another in showing honor. Paul will talk about, “in honor preferring one another.” That simply means I take the initiative to put you before myself. I regard you of such value I want to outdo you in showing you honor. That is what a wife does who is spirit-filled. That is what a husband does who is spirit filled. That is what Christians who are spirit filled do to one another.

Also, we are told to submit to those who have rule over us (Heb. 13:7). Is that because they are our CEO’s? Is that out of fear or terror? No. We yield to them who care for our souls because they serve us. They serve, not for their own good, but for the good of those under their care. Yet those who have rule also submit to one another and to those over whom they have charge. How? By ruling not for their own good but the good of all. The word rule simply means to stand before. Those who rule stand before. They lead. Their leadership is based on their influence. Those who submit yield to their judgment. Those who stand before have their best interest of all at heart.

Submission only takes place when there is something or someone to whom we yield. If there is agreement, there is no submission. Submission comes when there is a need and we say, “You go first.” It may not be what I would want, or how I would do it, but you take the lead and I will follow.

Submission requires an attitude of humility. A heart that puts the needs of others before my own. A desire to consider what is best for all rather than myself. To put the needs of others before my own. It requires the mind of Christ.