


One of the most pernicious tools Satan uses today to seduce boys and girls, men and women, is pornography. It is a billion dollar business, more than Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. While men are statistically most affected, it is not limited to men. Girls and women also struggle with it. About 35%-40% of women face the struggle. The average age a young person begins to experience with pornography is age 11.
It is so addictive. In fact the same hormones that are affected by drug use are also affected by the use of pornography. For example, dopamine, the bonding chemical in our brains. Dopamine is released and bonds to that which last stimulated its release. Over time it will become so bonded to the pornographic image or scene that it will destroy the ability to bond with a legitimate partner. It can be so addictive that it enslaves a person, so that one needs professional counselling to overcome.
So what can we do? What can I do?
First, recognize the problem. If we refuse to admit there is a problem we will never take the necessary steps to be clean. If we live in denial, it will only get worse, not better.
Second, build hedges. We must put protection in place. Also, recognize the trigger point where we are most vulnerable. Time alone, night time. etc. Recognize what triggers the desire. Let’s be clear, God created the sexual drive in mankind. But, He also gave the relationships by which that drive can be satisfied. That is marriage.
Third, educate yourself. There is a lot of good material that is helpful. Educate yourself on what is back of the desire to participate. If we cannot get to the root cause there will be no change in behavior. I have a friend and brother in Christ who does counselling and helps people break the addiction. One thing he does is to find the root cause. Once he can identify that, the change in behavior is easier.
Fourth, manage or get rid of the device that is so openly available. There can be no secrecy nor deleting history without approval of an accountability partner. Fundamental! No exceptions! All passwords are shared with an accountability partner or mate. No hidden passwords. Also, if there is a computer in the home it is to be used in the open. No closed doors. Further, find filters that will help filter the filth or align you with an accountability partner. I know of one instance where a grown son used his father as his accountability partner. They have been very successful together. Part of the cure is to bring it out in the open. Darkness cannot stand the light.
Fifth, get in touch with God. I know that sounds trite. But pornography is enslaving. To break the slavery will require more than just our hard will. It will require the will of God. If our will was strong enough to overcome, we would not be captives to begin with. God is greater than our sin!
Be assured, no matter what ones involvement may be, there is help. There is an answer. We don’t have to live with the guilt and fear of being caught.
Folks, this is not going away. It is only going to get worse. We must not stick our heads in the sand and just think it will not affect us or our children. It will require diligent vigilance. It is our fight today. It is not new. Satan has been using it for a long time to destroy lives. It is so easy and seems so satisfying. But it really is destructive, not only to our souls, but our minds and relationships. If you have kids between ages of 10-15 you need to be talking to them about this. I know sex talk can be taboo in many homes, but dads, we need to take the lead with our sons and daughters. Moms, please talk to your children about this too. They need to hear from you. This is not gender specific, nor age specific.