

Walking With The Lord

Enoch “walked with the Lord.” Walking with the Lord; what amazing imagery. We walk our dog. We walk, holding hands with our loved one. We walk all night worried about a loved one. Every day we walk.
But do not think about just a day; think about a life. A life characterized by walking with the Lord. Walking is a series of steps. So that suggests that the steps we take form a pattern. Therefore, walking with the Lord becomes a pattern or manner of life.
Also, once we learn to walk we do not analyze every action it takes to walk. It just becomes second nature. In fact, to analyze every step is likely to cause stumbling, especially when navigating stairs. At first our walk with the Lord may require some stumbling and falling; as we learn to walk, it becomes second nature. Now that does not mean we will not stumble. We get distracted and do not pay attention to what is in our path. Likewise, in our spiritual walk we can become distracted and do not pay attention to what is in our path. We stumble and fall. But we do not stay down. We get back up and begin our walk, paying closer attention to what is our way. We learn to navigate without falling.
Enoch’s life was characterized as walking with the Lord. It was not if he was going to walk with the Lord. He walked with the Lord. We want to be like Enoch; we want to walk with the Lord. We want our life to be characterized as walking with Him. Just imagine, walking side by side with the Lord. As we walk, we carry on a conversation with Him in prayer. We communicate with Him as we would a close friend. He is no stranger to us. He is familiar. We are comfortable in His presence. We share things in and about life together. He is our companion. As we walk with Him, if we fall He will pick us up.
"If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7, NKJV). There is no better way to life than walking with the Lord.
