

Deeds Done In Darkness

Why are we so secretive about what we do in life? Why is so much done in the dark?  Usually it is because there is something to hide. John says men do things in the darkness because they love darkness more than light (John 3:19-21). Also, because light will expose the things done in darkness. However, the one who comes to the truth has nothing to fear. The light will enable the deeds done to be clearly seen.
Are we really hiding anything? Usually we are not.  A little two-year-old will hide their face in their hands and then say, “Can you see me?” Because the two-year-old cannot see us, he thinks we cannot see him.  It is the same way with things done in darkness.  The one whose deeds are done in darkness thinks because they are done in darkness, others are not able to see. No one hides absolutely everything.
First, we never hide from God. His all-seeing eye is watching over us. We are naked before Him.  Even our thoughts, that are done in darkness, are seen by Him. He is the ultimate judge. Fear Him!
Second, no one ever absolutely hides. Usually there are little breadcrumbs dropped all along the way that are tell-tell signs something is being done in darkness. Our behavior. Our speech. Our overall attitude. Our secretive actions. In our digital age we have text messages, emails, and social media that we can hide from some people some of the time, but eventually there will be a slip up. No one is good enough to hide all the time. Eventually, they forget to erase or delete what they do not want to be seen. Passwords do not secure what is done in secret.
Third, we never hide from ourselves. Until and unless we become so hardened by sin and our conscience is seared, we know what we are doing is wrong. We may live in the darkness as far as others are concerned, but we live in the light knowing what we do. Paul said of the Romans, they knew what they were doing was wrong and stood worthy of death (Rom. 1:32). We know. We never hide from ourselves. Eventually our conscience will be the light that exposes our darkness.
Living in darkness, hiding, is a miserable way to live. It leaves one anxious, agitated, short with others, and irritable. It produces bitterness and assists in holding a grudge. We make others vow to secrecy because we do not want to be found out.  We blame others for why we are doing what we are doing. We continue in darkness. But the secret things are revealed by ourselves.  Darkness will eat the heart and soul out of us. Light produces life. No secrets. Just truth that helps guide the way.
Remember, light always trumps darkness! Darkness is only doing what darkness does. If darkness is winning the battle, it is because light is not doing its job.
Darkness commands an inordinate amount of attention from a person who is unprepared and unprotected. Attention to darkness produces doubt. When a person is distracted and weakened by struggles, doubt whispers a message logically urging surrender; and, soon, that person’s focus is on his own discomfort, his fear and anger, his regret and resentment.
Rickie Jenkins