

The Importance Of Teaching God’s Word

When Paul was challenged by his detractors, he responded to the Corinthians, “You are our letters known and read among men” (2 Cor. 3:2). His detractors in Corinth were trying to undermine his credibility as an apostle but his response was, “Look at what I have taught you.”
God entrusted His word to teachers. His word is to be taught. Jesus said, “Every man who has heard and learned of me can come to the Father” (John 6:44-45). Man heard and learned because of teaching. Paul said no man could believe and come to the Lord unless he was taught (Rom. 10:10-12). The first century disciples spent time together teaching the word (Acts 5:42). The gospel does not come to man by osmosis. It is taught. Paul will say, “you have not so learned Christ” (Eph. 4:21).
God placed a premium on His word being taught. Therefore, we are entrusted with a tremendous responsibility, but that responsibility is not a task of drudgery. It is a labor of love. We have a great opportunity today. The mediums through which we can teach God’s word are so many. One that we have as a congregation is our Bible classes. We don’t have to have Bible classes but, since we do, we need teachers. But why should anyone want to teach God’s word?
First, teaching God’s word helps the teacher more than the student. The effort of preparation benefits the teacher greatly. Teaching produces growth. It enhances understanding. It deepens love for God.

Second, we are helping others learn God’s word. It is that word that will edify us and enlighten us spiritually (Acts 20:32). The word also warns us of the adversary and his tactics. We will not know what pleases God without teaching. When we teach, we are helping others learn how to please Him.

Third, teaching is rewarding. It is rewarding to grow closer to God by engaging with His word.  It is rewarding to personally experience that spiritual growth. It is a joy to see the “Ah Hah!” moment with those we teach. When teaching takes place, the teacher and student are engaged in God’s word together. When the light bulb goes on in the eye of the student, it is really thrilling. It is a natural high.

Fourth, teaching builds a sense of community and fellowship. Understanding God’s word builds oneness. It brings harmony. When we are engaged in a common task and everybody is on the same page, there is a strong relationship that grows out of experiencing God’s word together.
Yes, teaching is a huge responsibility. It will require desire, effort, time, and love for God’s word and for those we teach.  There are few things that rival it’s importance and few things that bring more reward.
There use to be a big placard outside the post office. It was a picture of Uncle Sam. It read, “We need you!” Uncle Sam needed soldiers. Today, “This church needs you!” We need teachers. The question is not, “Why me?” It is, “Why not me?”

Rickie Jenkins