

The Importance of Communication

Communication builds trust. It is the key to any successful family. If we can’t trust each other, we cannot build a strong family.
Marriages go downhill when communication breaks down. Relationships fall apart when there is a lack of communication. That is because where there is a void of clear and positive communication, we start to assume the worst and act accordingly. Fear and negativity creep in and dominate our thoughts, behavior, and actions. .
This leads to a lack of trust, which leads to a lack of focus and success.  Instead of taking positive actions to thrive, we go into survival mode and just try to survive. We should focus on building trust through frequent positive communication so that fear can’t breed and grow. Communication builds trust and conquers fear.
Communication creates a bond that helps take away challenges and distractions of a busy world. We communicate with everyone but the most important person in our lives – our mates.
Communication has to be real and we have to be real. Trust is built one person, one relationship at a time.  We have to be real and transparent. Listening is a vital part.
In functional families, people trust one another, care about one another, and love keeps them together. In dysfunctional families, there is no trust, love is not put into practice, and therefore disagreements break down the bond. Functional families communicate a lot with each other. They are open and honest with each other. They share love with one another
The number one question is, “Can I trust you, and do you care about me?”

Rickie Jenkins