

Young People And Marriage

How often when a young couple become engaged do the wags start wagging their tongues. We’ve heard it. “You are going to lose your freedom.” “You will always be saying ‘Yes, ma’am’”. “She is going to spend all your money.” By contrast, I like what one fellow said: “It is okay to be hen pecked as long as you are pecked by the right hen.”
What if we went up to that joyous young couple and said to them, “Marriage is great and only gets greater.” “You will never regret marrying…”  “Marrying is a taste of heaven.” “I wouldn’t trade one year with her for fifty years without her.”
God designed marriage to fulfill a need man had. Man was lonely, so God created and gave him a wife. She came with a gift tag, “To Rickie from God with love. You answer to her Creator.” If marriage is so bad, then did God make a mistake? No, His design for a man and a woman to be companions is perfect. It is His creation that is imperfect. Marriage, first and last, is all about companionship. Husband and wife share life together. He fulfills her dreams, wants, and wishes. She fulfills his needs and desires. Each do the other good all the days of their life.
Marriage will have bumps in the road. It is those bumps, twists, and turns, worked through by the couple, that deepen the bond. The things they face and conquer will be theirs and theirs alone.  
In the beginning, marriage is full of life. It is fun growing to know each other more deeply. It is a joy to share the ups and downs with those in whom you have entrusted your life and soul. In marriage, man and woman literally give themselves to their mate.  No taking back, no return to sender.
As years come and go, the bond deepens. It becomes so deep that the downs do not destroy the relationship. The faith and trust in each other carry you through. Though the experiences may not be so great, the bond and relationship are wonderful. It transcends anything else in life.
Let’s tell young couples they will make it. They will grow together. They will laugh and cry together. They will hold each other up. They will increase each other's faith. And that, when we are married, we have one with whom we can share life’s greatest joys and deepest disappointments.
What would I share with one of my grandchildren upon their engagement? Make memories. Enjoy the journey. Always be by each other’s side. Always support one another. God said, “It is very good!” Believe Him!  Always serve Him! Love never fails!

Rickie Jenkins