

Our Strengths and Our Weaknesses

Have you ever thought that what makes us strong also makes us weak? Have you ever thought that our strength can also be our weaknesses?
Consider: if one has a strong personality, there are times when the strength of personality is an asset...but if one does not know how to control that strength, it can also become a detriment. For example, let’s say we are facing moments in which we become low and need the strength of another. That strong personality is beneficial. However, there is a time to restrain it as well. There may be a time when one is weak and does not need the strength but needs mercy and compassion.
Another strength may be the ability to speak or communicate. At the right time, in the right place, with the right attitude, it is a gift that is very beneficial. Being able to express oneself is vitally important. However, there is a time when we need to be swift to hear and slow to speak. There is a time just to listen. Just listen.
Also, an indomitable spirit is a great asset. The ability to withstand and endure the most challenging of circumstances is a definite asset. An indomitable spirit is also useful when interacting with people. When a person is facing a life-threatening disease, that strength of heart is important. But that same spirit becomes a liability when it is time to yield. Maybe there is a circumstance where that strength is not needed, but yielding is. Maybe there is a time to back off instead of pressing forward. Maybe that strength does not work when someone finds it too aggressive for their need, instead looking for a person with a quieter demeanor instead.
Further, maybe one has strength in caring and compassion. There is a real need for compassion among people. Having a caring heart is an attribute that is always welcome, but that caring heart can easily be taken advantage of. Having that compassionate attitude may blind us to danger. It may be easily deceived. If our strength blinds us to harm, then it is a weakness. How many times have we seen it…an innocent, caring person is hurt or led down the wrong path? On the one hand we admire their caring heart, but on the other hand we ask, “How could they be so gullible?  Can’t they see what is happening?”
So, what are your strengths? Whatever they may be, use them wisely. Be aware of the weaknesses, too. Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.

Rickie Jenkins