

“I Hate”

There are a few things I hate in life.  Most are easily avoided. Many are self-inflicted.

I hate conflict. Even at a restaurant if the order is wrong, I will usually just eat what the waiter brought. I hate to say, “This is not what I ordered.” I hate to take anything back. I would give anything if Jody would take it back for me. I just hate conflict.

I hate problems in families.  I hate it when husbands and wives cannot, or will not, get along. Companionship is so precious, but can be easily destroyed. Selfishness wrecks many a marriage. I hate it when the husband fails to live with his wife giving her honor as the weaker, or prized, vessel. In marriage, I must realize it is not about me.  

I hate how Satan wrecks many homes and afflicts many children. His use of drugs, pornography, alcohol, and lying are insidious and ruin so many lives.  I hate it when young innocent lives are so soiled by the stain of sin, they need the grace of God to wash them clean. I love the grace of God, but I hate the reason it is so necessary of each one of us.

I hate problems in the church. I hate it when brethren cannot, or will not, get along, when pressing my way becomes more important than the Lord’s way. I hate it when consideration of myself takes precedence of my making sure others are put forward first.  I hate it when pride destroys relationships. I hate it when Satan infiltrates by using false doctrine. He makes it so appealing. It slips in so easily. I hate it when a church has enjoyed peace for years but then, in the blink of an eye, Satan has brethren at each other’s throats. Usually, it is over a personality or some petty thing.

I really hate it when Satan affects me or a member of my family. I hate him when he inserts himself into our lives. We must all work diligently to make sure he does become a visitor and before we know a resident.

In spite of it all, I really love God. I love the life of a Christian. I really love the local church. I love the family relationship. I love the opportunity to help people know God better. I really love how God loves each one of us!

Rickie Jenkins