

Looking For the Good

Looking for the good is intentional. It is also challenging. In a world where pessimism and cynicism seem to be the mindset of the day, looking for the good seems lost.

Whatever our circumstance may be, we can always choose to look for good. Maybe we view our life in less than favorable terms. Maybe all we see is the dark side of life. Our eyes are never open to light that reveals the good things. Most of the time it isn’t the circumstances of life that aren’t good, but the darkness in our eye that is bad. As long as the lamp of the body is the eye, our whole world will be full of light (Matt. 6:22). Looking for the good requires a single-minded focus that our treasure isn’t in our circumstances of life. Paul learned that in whatever circumstance, to be content. He was content because he wanted to be content.

Also, we can always choose to look for the good in others. We are to love our enemies by speaking well of them when they curse us, pray for them when they spitefully use us, and do good to them when they hate us (Matt. 5:44). That tells us we choose how we feel about them and how we treat them. We get to choose whether we hate, hold a grudge, or refuse to forgive. If that is how I am with my enemies, then how much easier will it be to speak well of those who praise us, do good to those who love us, and pray for those who are devoted to us. With either situation, we get to choose how to treat others. We get to fulfill the royal law, “Love others as you love yourself.”

Further, we can always choose to look for the good in ourselves. As we examine ourselves, two extremes are not helpful. When we engage in self-loathing we will be discouraged and depressed, leaving no hope at all. As we pick ourselves apart we cannot forget that God is gracious to us, so why not be gracious to ourselves. On the other hand, if we’re too prideful and conceited, we can fail to see our flaws. We’re not to think too highly of self (Rom. 12:3). Yes, we must keep our view of ourselves in proper perspective. But that does not mean self-loathing or self-exaggeration. 

Looking for the good today means that we are looking. We have our heads up, eyes open, and we’re looking for the good in our circumstances, in others, and in ourselves. We can choose to be positive about life. We can give others grace. We can see the value in ourselves as God sees us. We can look for the good today and every day!

Rickie Jenkins